Dancing Where My Plot Will Lie

Cheers and thank you to Ian Chung for including my poem “Dancing Where My Plot Will Lie” at his great site Eunoia Review recently…

Eunoia Review

Sunshine and cigarette smoke
a new wave algorithm
that sums up the random equation
of divided light that pulses
through my bloody lungs

Each puff from the source
counterbalances the wellspring of life
with a dancing shutter step
toward the eventual yawning grave

I won’t hesitate
in the violent moves made
against this flesh and bone
because ash to ash
is the condition that my sights
have been set on all along
and I came here
to roam across this firmament
not only to stay warm
but to have a little fun
and get my kicks
while playing out the process

Nicotine is a laser bullet
howling through the lit up sky
to dangle as the ripest fruit
that kisses the apple of my blackened eye
and so I won’t cry
nor shed a sad lament
when the dust to dust
does what it must
while singing the last…

View original post 66 more words

4 thoughts on “Dancing Where My Plot Will Lie

    1. Thanks, Laura! Always an honor to appear at Eunoia Review. I had another piece accepted recently that will be out in March. Ian is one of the best in the business when it comes to prompt replies. He really stays on top of things there.

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